Thursday, March 27, 2008


I have been thinking about's autism awareness month. Last year I wrote a letter to the editor of the local paper. This year I am thinking I'll show a short music video at church a couple of times in church... I was considering making one of Jackson, but a wonderful one is this one worth watching from youtube (bring your Kleenex):
[Be sure to pause my music on the right hand side of your screen].

This is an old promotional video for the Souls Beneath & Beyond Autism book; which I have on my coffee table...

Insomnia, gotta love it; these are the thoughts I have when I can't sleep...

1 comment:

tylerbritney said...

I want to thank you again for sending me the book. It is a great read! I also have the video that I have to admit, I watch(and bawl like a baby) when I need the extra push to just keep going and help Tyler. Get some sleep!!! I will call you soon...