Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Turtle Days

90% of the time I love living in town. We can walk to the park or the playground, ride bikes to magic wand and it only takes 3 minutes to get to church.
Not this weekend, it's Turtle Days so my son started obsessing about the fair on Sunday after church when he noticed the trailers pulling into town. I literally had to drive him through the park to see that none of the rides are assembled and he's not missing it yet. Of course, he can see the park from our street and he's watching the progress like a hawk. Yesterday, I endured 2 meltdowns and incessant references to "the fair". Here is just a sampling:
"We go to the fair"
"I ride the Ferris wheel"
"I will play the ducky game"
"Bart Simpson will play the water game"
"Let's go to the fair"
"We'll go to the fair on Wednesday"

Now, just repeat those comments about 50 times each, with greater intensity and you get the picture.

I really shouldn't complain, it's wonderful to have him excited about it. Honestly, all the other kids are excited too, just not OBSESSIVE! I'll be sure to update regarding how it all goes in the end. Keeping my fingers crossed that he doesn't freak out when it leaves town!

Monday, June 8, 2009

The New Bible

Jackson got a new bible from the church on Sunday.
The children's team gives all incoming 6th grades a new teen version bible. The layout is actually quite cool.
I was concerned about how it would go for Jack. Walking to the front of the church alone to receive his bible isn't something I was sure he'd be up to. We talked about it a bit before the pastor began calling names. Here is a synopsis of our conversation:

Me: "You have to go up to the front and get your new bible"
Jax: "No thank you"
Me: "Yes, they will call your name. Jhai will go up and Josh and Shyenne"
Jax: "No"

So, anxiously, we both waited for the time in the service when the 6th graders were awarded new bibles...

The pastor began calling names.
Amy, Jhai, Josh, Shyenne, Kendall, Jackson, Julia, Noah

Me: "You have to go up and get your bible"
Jax: "No" (as he's standing up)
Me: "Do you want mommy to come with you?"
Jax: "No, you stay there mommy"

And, my sweet son walked up with minimal protest and got his bible.
My heart swelled with pride; doing so was no small task for this big boy.
Again, he takes my breath away with his progress and asserts his independence.
God is good!