Monday, June 8, 2009

The New Bible

Jackson got a new bible from the church on Sunday.
The children's team gives all incoming 6th grades a new teen version bible. The layout is actually quite cool.
I was concerned about how it would go for Jack. Walking to the front of the church alone to receive his bible isn't something I was sure he'd be up to. We talked about it a bit before the pastor began calling names. Here is a synopsis of our conversation:

Me: "You have to go up to the front and get your new bible"
Jax: "No thank you"
Me: "Yes, they will call your name. Jhai will go up and Josh and Shyenne"
Jax: "No"

So, anxiously, we both waited for the time in the service when the 6th graders were awarded new bibles...

The pastor began calling names.
Amy, Jhai, Josh, Shyenne, Kendall, Jackson, Julia, Noah

Me: "You have to go up and get your bible"
Jax: "No" (as he's standing up)
Me: "Do you want mommy to come with you?"
Jax: "No, you stay there mommy"

And, my sweet son walked up with minimal protest and got his bible.
My heart swelled with pride; doing so was no small task for this big boy.
Again, he takes my breath away with his progress and asserts his independence.
God is good!

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