Saturday, September 1, 2007

thinking back

We're getting ready to fly to Orlando; so excited about visiting Disney! Thinking about flying reminds me of the last time we flew to see my sister in Texas. I kept telling Jax "we're going to fly on the plane to see Cora and Lukie". I didn't think much about this, and told Jack several times we'd see Cora and Luke.

Well, after the long drive to O'hare and a delayed flight, we finally boarded the plan. And Jackson's first words as we entered the plane, "Where are the kids?"

I spent the flight trying to explain that we'd be staying at Cora's house and sleeping there. It was heartbreaking and I felt like an idiot for forgetting how literal Jackson can be.

So, as we prepare to visit Disney, we're sure to tell him we'll be sleeping there, and swimming, and so much more!!!


Anonymous said...

I am thinking of you all today and wondering what sort of fun you've had so far. I know its only been one day...but Orlando has such an awesome array of sights that even one day can be amazing.

Make sure to tell us all about it when you return!

Maddy said...

And the news disappeared down a rabbit hole never to see the light of day again?
Best wishes