Thursday, October 22, 2009

"Take Pictures and Be Proud"

Tonight was Jackson's first middle school music program. He's playing the drums in band and sings in the choir. Initially, when planning for tonight's program, we decided he would do fine singing, but we were not sure about how he'd do playing drums with a concert band, for an audience.
Earlier today, I got an e-mail from Mrs. L. who shared that she and the band director thought Jack would do fine in the program and planned for him to participate using a drum covered with a practice pad. Nervously, I agreed, hoping beyond hope that he was ready for this step.
I dressed him in his music shirt, khaki pants and dark shoes, then prayed. Prayed he was ready for this, prayed he enjoyed it, prayed he wouldn't "stim" on stage. Then I watched him head into the band room.
Later, as the kids entered the stage, I thanked the band director for his inclusive attitude and general acceptance. He replied, "It's no big deal, just take pictures and be proud." Well, I did and I was. Jack really seemed to enjoy participating. He was referencing his peers drumming beside him and he smiled a big smile. [So did I].

He left the stage and waited with the other choir members for their turn on stage after the 7th & 8th grade band. When he returned, he stepped up on the risers, and stood beside JB. [There is a special place in heaven for this kid, who knows just how to gently keep Jax in line]. The music started and Jackson sang the two songs, then exited the stage without incident.

I doubt there was a parent in the room as proud as Dan & I were tonight. Proud of what our son was able to accomplish in a supportive environment with encouraging adults and accepting peers. I don't know how I could be more proud....

1 comment:

Puffin said...

Oh how proud you must be!!! WTG Jackson! Another awesome post :)