Tuesday, August 12, 2008

5th Grade

It's starting Monday. We're thrilled with his gen ed fifth grade teacher and are keeping our fingers crossed regarding his special needs teacher. We'll have to wait to see how it all plays out. He definitely knows his days are numbered, and isn't looking forward to Monday...but I think all will go well.

We caved on Pirate Big Bird. He's going to 5th grade with Jackson. [Jack used to take about a dozen toys to school every day as "comfort items". Last year, we limited it to Arthur--DW joined him--and we talked up Arthur going to 4th grade. Well, this year it's Pirate Big Bird going to 5th grade--Elmo and Cookie too--I try to keep things age appropriate, but what can I say...I'm a softie I guess].

Keep Jackson in your prayers as he prepares to start another school year; transitions are always rough!


jen & aaron said...

Look forward to seeing Jackson this year! I cannot believe he is in 5th grade already. It seems like yesterday when he was in my room :) Take care and I am sure I will see you sometime this year, Jennifer Lee

tylerbritney said...

Wow! Jackson, already in 5th grade! Where does the time go? I hope things go smooth for Jackson on his first day. So many people know you guys, and with all the sports Jax has done, and kids he has played with, i'm sure they will be looking out for him.