Sunday, November 4, 2007


For some, this topic is right up there with religion and politics.

I started this post yesterday and couldn't get my head around my thoughts. I'm thinking more clearly now and feel confident to put it out there today....

I'm right now struggling with the issue. Specifically, I'm wondering if I've done the right thing having Jackson so involved with his peers: t-ball, soccer, basketball camp, boy scouts. In every instance, I've just pushed him out there and supported his involvement. But I've started to question whether it's been the very best thing for him to be only exposed to his NT peers. Maybe he needs some time around and involved with 'special needs' peers.

In my heart, I believe God has given me instincts to trust. I've followed them and included Jackson in every possible way with his peers. It's the only way of life he's ever known and I really don't think he's aggravated by it. Truly, I think his peers gain as much from his participation as he does, but I could be kidding myself.

I guess I don't have the answer for every other kid, but I've come to the conclusion for mine that I'll stick with my fight to keep him mainstreamed. After all, the world isn't separated into handicap/non-handicap is it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

(((Heather))) I know you will do what's best for Jackson!