Friday, November 16, 2007


Jackson is currently jamming to Colbie Cailet's new(ish) cd. It's funny how quickly he picks up lyrics and how much he enjoys instrumental beginnings for songs. :)

It's been a BUSY week! Monday afternoon we swam at the Y with a group of kids from church. Jack enjoyed riding in the back of the church van with the other 'big' boys. Tuesday evening we were at Crazy Pinz for another birthday party until 7:30. Wednesday night we had an activity and dinner at church and last night was boy scouts. Tonight we're all just chillin' at home. Actually, he adapted very well to the hectic schedule. Maybe that's a sign he's maturing.

Tonight, our local high school football team plays in a semi-state game. There was a pep rally for them at the school. Jackson had great fun cheering for them as the players paraded through the halls of the elementary. The thought of it warms my heart.

1 comment:

Maddy said...

We're just about to launch into the party circuit too - I feel frazzled just thinking about it.