Sunday, December 12, 2010

before autism...

I was cleaning out old pictures today and came across one of my favorites of my niece Cora and Jackson when she was almost 3 and he was almost 2. They are dressed in matching outfits and look more like siblings than cousins. It is precious beyond words.

Funny how a picture can freeze a moment in time; be so joyful and sad at the same time. I think that picture probably best represents life before autism.
It's hard to think about and sometimes hard to remember what life was like then. Jackson's life was this partially written canvas waiting to be filled, with hopes and dreams and so many, many possibilities. Certainly, before autism, I never imagined autism being a part of that picture. I remember praying fervently that he would grow into a man of faith. I remember feeling like he would do amazing, incredible things with his life. I suppose that's the way all first time parent are: full of anticipation and hope. Our lives before autism were filled with joy in all that he did, we were amazed by who he was and intrigued with the possibilities of who he would become.

It strikes me just now how different it was when Cal was a baby. I was so consumed with fear of autism that I didn't spend much time hoping, dreaming, imagining possibilities (I probably make up for that shortcoming now, dreaming big for and with him).

I work hard on seeing the glass half full. So much of Jackson's purpose and message in life is the work of God. Sometimes I just want him to be not so much what he is. I suppose there are qualities in all kids parents would like to leave out. Even as I type this, I feel guilt for these emotions. I don't know who Jax would be without autism. I rarely indulge that line of thought. Instead I try to focus on all the things I wouldn't have without autism. I try to consider how it makes me a better person.

In the end there is a definite mark in my life timeline:
before autism
after diagnosis
It seems like there should be like a vast chasm between the two. Instead, it's a blink of the eye; a turn of the page. It's a sunset and sunrise all in one fell swoop.

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