is a good synopsis of Savage's comments on autism and the aftermath from
Savage, who in the past, has taken aim at the legitimacy of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other behavioral disorders, called autism a "fraud" and a "racket" during his July 16 broadcast, adding that "[i]n 99 percent of the cases, it's a brat who hasn't been told to cut the act out." In light of strong public reaction to his statements, Savage issued a statement, further explaining his comments.
"My comments about autism were meant to boldly awaken parents and children to the medical community's attempt to label too many children or adults as 'autistic'," the statement read.
"Just as some drug companies have overdiagnosed 'ADD' and 'ADHD' to peddle dangerous speed-like drugs to children as young as 4 years of age, this cartel of doctors and drug companies is now creating a national panic by overdiagnosing 'autism,' for which there is no definitive medical diagnosis!"
In a response to ABC News' request for comment, Mark Masters, the CEO of Talk Radio Network, sent the same statement that had been posted on Savage's Web site.
So what do you think? Honestly, I've listened to Savage on occasion
before. He's got some strong opinions, some of which I agree with, others
I don't. Was this comment out of line? Absolutely, living with
autism everyday, I can tell you that I would be so very happy if I could just
tell Jax to , "cut the act". Sadly, it's not that simple.
Should Savage be fired for his comments? Sponsors are dropping like flies. Definately, he crossed the line and should apologize. He has (see here for more: ).
I'm not a supporter or a regular listener; however, I am troubled that Savage
is being harassed by many people that haven't ever listened to any of his show
and are crucifying him based on these comments. I don't take the comments
lightly, but I've listened to enough of Savage to know to take them with a grain
of salt, so to speak...
So, what do you think of these comments?