Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Talent Fair


Jackson's elementary school has a "talent fair" every February. Kids in kindergarten to 2nd grade are invited to participate by writing a book or doing a science project. Kids in grades 3-5 are required to participate. It's actually a great concept: allow kids a variety of subjects to explore (in addition to science projects, and writing, there is dance, voice, instrumental, photography and probably another subject I'm forgetting). I like that Jackson is held to the same 'standard' as other kids in that he's required to participate. It kind of forces parents to get more 'hands-on' with kid projects & I sometimes wonder if it's not a contest for the parents, but...I like that he has the chance to show others there are some things he can do just like his peers.

In the past Jack has always submitted a book. In kindergarten he actually won his grade level with Jackson at the Zoo. Basically we took photos from trips to various zoos and wrote captions for them. I always strive to have the books/projects be his idea and as much "his work" as possible. His 2nd grade book was awesome: Who took the Cookies from the Cookie Jar adapted using his stuffed animals. It was his original idea he just made it up one night in bed just after reading the original story...he took photos of his stuffed animals next to the cookie jar. It was a great story and I doubt the judges really understood just how incredible the story was. At any rate, in 3rd grade he "wrote" a fabulous Franklin [the turtle] inspired book Franklin goes to Texas with Jackson. Again, Jack took photos during our trip to visit his cousins in Texas. It was really adorable and I was disappointed he wasn't rewarded anymore for all the work he did on it! [Read between the lines here; all the work we did on it! I really do think it would be easier just to do it for him, but....]

So this year we decided to do photography. Jackson has done photography for 4-H and he loves to take pictures...But, I'm starting to wonder, "Why did I sign Jackson up for photography?"

He wasn't able to attend the "workshops" the school provides with time to learn more about photography and editing photos with software applications for 2 reasons:
  1. He has gymnastics after school on Wednesdays which was the only day of the week the workshops were offered (and this is so important for his gross motor coordination, etc).
  2. [and more importantly] He couldn't sit still and comprehend what the task was...he would be a distraction to other kids trying to really accomplish something

So....here I am with about 3 weeks to go until this has to be turned in and I can't get the kid to take pictures of "places". He's required to turn in his best 5 photos in each of 3 categories: people, places, things. Of course, the things he has mastered: he's taken hundreds of photos of his toys; and the people thing wasn't too hard...it's the places that are hard to get him interested in.

I'll keep you updated regarding how this goes.

1 comment:

tylerbritney said...

I bet he will have fun taking pics once he starts. I bet his finished product will be awesome! Good Luck!