Wednesday, October 12, 2011

14 Years

In the first year we were full of wonder,
unsure of what we were doing,
but we were doing it anyway.

You turned one and took your first steps,
we imagined your future before you.

At two you became more serious,
and fell in love with Buzz Light year and Woody.

Then, three.
Our big boy.
We counted your words,
Waited for gestures.

Four: school, therapists, Teletubbies and puzzles,
a cruise where you were lost and found.

At five you stepped into "big brother" shoes,
protective, watchful.

Six playing T-ball.
Seven playing Soccer.
Eight, your a cub scout.
You like being part of the team.

Nine "ah-ha" you know letters and sounds.

Disney Double Digit: planes, trains and automobiles.

Eleven, twelve, the bat boy who hit a home run.

Thirteen finding independence; puberty. much more to come.

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