Sunday, August 28, 2011

"I got Garfield"

Something Jackson has struggled to control for years is the use of the pronoun "I". He would substitute "you" as in "You go see Elmo" or "You fell on the playground." We would try to prompt him for "I" statements by starting for him, "I want to go see..." or "I fell on the playground". I think it was an IEP speech goal for at least 4 years. Well, this summer, in his own time, he seems to finally have control over "I." Like so many other things, this skill just kind of appeared. I think it started with:

"I rode the roller coasters at Michigan Adventures."

and has evolved to:

"I went to Mall of America."

"I saw Winnie the Pooh."

Last night at dinner, he played his favorite arcade game: the crane game. The kid will sit and watch YouTube videos of crane game wins over and over. He even has a ritual with his grandma where she has to sit next to him and narrate while he watches video after video. All that watching seems to have paid off. Last night this is what we heard, "I won a green flame Garfield. I got Garfield from the crane game. I winned a Garfield." Now, I realize that for most kids, winning the toy in itself is a feat of skill. For Jackson it was also a moment of mastery: "I". :)

This morning, he wrote his dad this note:

Ernein toy wallmrt.

[Translation Ernie toy Wal-Mart]. So after church while shopping they picked up an Ernie toy at Wal-Mart. [Never mind the fact that the kid has upwards of 20 Ernie toys already]. When I asked him which Wal-Mart, he responded, "Lima Road". Again, another WOW! moment for this kid. He continues to amaze, surprise and teach us each day.

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