Sunday, March 21, 2010


Jax is going through confirmation classes at church. It's definitely a stretch for him. Faith is so abstract and he is so concrete; it's an act of faith just pushing him to participate in class. I know that he is "learning" and growing by participating, and I am once again humbled and grateful for this amazing place we live. A place where a friend from church didn't hesitate when he was asked to be Jackson's mentor and walk the journey with him; and where his peers again support and encourage him. A few weeks ago, we went to Noblesville for a confirmation rally, Jax surprised us with his endurance and ability to go with the flow that day. Absolutely, his peers make a difference for him, and he really wants to be with them, do what they do...still something that amazes me given the autism.

As part of the course last week, the kids were each given $5 and challenged to use it to support a mission...mission here was broadly defined: an animal shelter, food bank, anything that would be considered supporting God's work in the world. Today, the kids had to report on how they chose to spend the $5 designated for missions. I was so proud of the ideas they shared: a few bought bibles to share on the mission trip coming up on spring break, others supported a local initiative for young moms. Jax donated his money toward another girl in the group who is walking next weekend in DC to raise funds for epilepsy. One of the kids in the group gave his $5 to Jackson "To buy an educational toy or game or something". Talk about touching my heart. God has a purpose and a plan and so much to teach all of us through Jax. I am doing my best to support that plan; and trying to enjoy the ride...

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