Sunday, March 22, 2009

Great Expectations

I was running today, without tunes because I had to keep an eye on Jax on the playground. Without tunes, my mind tends to wander and today was no exception. I began to think about what I expect from Jackson, and what I expect from Callahan. I thought about what I know other parents with special needs kids expect from their kids and what parents of "normal" kids expect too. It occurred to me, that most times, parents of "special" kids want their children to be treated the same as other kids. I mean, if my son isn't listening, I expect you to call him on it. If he's doing something he shouldn't, please let him know that it isn't acceptable. In all these ways, I want my son treated like other kids, so in what UNIVERSE is it OK to not treat him like other kids? In what universe is it acceptable and appropriate to pigeon-hole him and determine that he will just reach "this far". Like the all powerful Oz knows just how far he will reach? Really? Really. I'm tired--can you tell?

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