Monday, February 18, 2008

Sam's Club Buffet & Another I'll Never....

Dan took the kids to Sam's Club adventure to say the least. ;) He was excited that Jackson was really into sampling the foods there! It was great to have him trying some noodles with parsley and chicken! Again, it's encouraging to have him branching out from the known.

Years ago, I remember teaching with Betsy Gillis, one of the 'greats' I've worked with. She was someone I really looked up to. I also remember being disappointed to hear she'd allowed her own children at home to have TV's in their bedrooms; well, I'm ashamed to admit that I was shocked she'd allow her kids this luxury...I vowed I'd never allow my kids to have a TV in their bedroom. I felt it an unnecessary distraction.

[yes, this is me eating my words never say never!]

Guess who has a TV in his room tonight?

Yep, just in time for Cal's 5th birthday, we decided to remove the distraction from our bedroom hoping it would keep the boys in theres...we shall see. Jax was definately excited about it...I'm just worried that tomorrow he'll want me to move it back in my room...only time will tell.

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