Faith: a small word with big meaning.
I sometimes struggle with it; a guilt complex arises in me. Perhaps it's the devil on my shoulder whispering, "with enough faith your son would be healed from the demons of autism."
Last Sunday in church, we had a guest speaker, who eluded to just that: "the faith of a little seed can work miracles. It made the blind man see; the lame walk." It made my heart ache and my soul feel empty. Do I lack the faith to heal my son? Would he be "whole" if I prayed more? Would he be "normal" if my faith were greater? I cannot believe that to be true. Instead, I believe that God has a perfect plan for my son. A plan full or purpose and importance. The angel on my should whispers a reminder: "be still and know I am God."
And then, God steps in.
God knows when I need a reminder. He knows when my heart needs healing; He whispers to me and I know.
When I picked up Jax from school Friday afternoon I had a moment to talk to the mother of another child with autism. This child and Jackson share a gym period. Last week, the teacher was excited that the other boy used "I" with Jackson. His mother and I are getting to know each other better and Friday afternoon she was telling me how her son asked for shoes "like Jackson". Her son wanted to wear tennis shoes in gym like Jackson. She was thrilled and excited to tell me this accomplishment. [He hadn't worn "tie" shoes in years]. I was excited too. I know how "little" things can be really big things. As I left the school with Jax that afternoon, I heard whispers from God: "this is his purpose, here is his witness; be still and know I am God."
Just a gentle reminder: my son is perfect in God's eyes. His life is full of purpose. I am working on remembering that.
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