Here we are in early August, how did that happen? Our summer has been busy (when isn't it?) and Jackson is enjoying days without school and less structure. Here are some high-lights:
Turtle Days
This year Turtle Days had a new ride/game company. This actually worked in our favor, while we missed the giant Ferris wheel, we were happy to have fewer game options to tempt Jackson. He does seem to have a gift for noticing the obscure. Somehow, he managed to find the few licensed characters (Bert, Pooh, Zoe, Kanga) the games offered. We did come away from the fair for a lot less money this year, and Jackson honestly handled the end of the fair much better than in the past.
Jackson isn't a fan of fireworks. He seems to like the visual display, but the noise involved is just too much for him. This year during our friends annual fireworks party, Jackson did a great job of self-regulating. He stayed in the house and watched the view from the sliding glass doors. We were pleased that one of his friends was happy to sit inside and hang out with him to watch the show indoors.
"Fun Fridays"
We kind of have a "fun Friday" summer tradition in our family. We've had fun Fridays for years in the summer with different friends. This summer he enjoyed seeing Cars and spending time playing games at Paige's Crossing. His favorite was going with a group of friends to see the new Winnie the Pooh movie. God bless his friends who went with him, I remember buying 6 tickets to see it and the window guy asks, "how many under 12?" and I have to answer "none".
Michigan Adventures
Our church youth group went to the Michigan Adventures amusement and water park in July. Earlier in the summer we saw a Michigan Adventures billboard and he talked incessantly about it. We had to mark the date on the calendar and count the days down to July 18. He was beyond obsessed and excited about it. Finally, the day comes for us to make the trip with the youth group. Jackson had an incredible time at the park. We bribed him to ride a roller coaster, truth is the first coaster we rode was INSANE. I thought we were gonna roll right off the tracks! I also knew for sure he wouldn't ever ride another coaster once we got off that thing. I was wrong. He couldn't wait to get on another coaster. In fact, he was walking faster than any of the rest of us to get to the Thunderhawk coaster. As we walked up the path to the loading station for the ride, Jackson stopped and said, "Mom, I'm scared." I caught my breath in my throat, and told him it was fine and we didn't have to ride this ride we could go back to the water park. He answered, "No, I want to ride it." I need a pause button here, because I just couldn't believe he gave words to those emotions, further I couldn't believe he wanted to get on the ride. I choked back tears and got on that coaster with my amazing son. I think it was the best coaster ride I've ever had. We went on to have fun in the water park and he made sure we left with all the kids in our group. On the ride home, the boys tried to teach him to make fart noises through a straw. He also got a big kick out of the cow that we almost hit in the road on the way home. He still giggles as he says, "A freaking cow was in the road".
We went on vacation to the Mall of America where we enjoyed Nickelodeon Universe and caught a Twins/Tigers game. Jackson was less thrilled with the roller coasters here, "No roller coasters for Jackson." Though he did willingly ride them, he wasn't as excited about them as he was when he was with the youth group. I credit the "peer factor" with that. Jackson is much more willing to do things he sees his friends doing. It's God's way of reminding me why I fight for him to stay with these kids. Anyway, on vacation he did a great job adjusting to a variety of settings. We left Minneapolis and went on to spend a couple of days in the Wisconsin Dells. Jackson enjoyed the water slides and wave pool at Noah's Ark Water Park. He wasn't crazy about going on the Duck Boat Tour (he called them Chia Boats, though I never figured out why) but then once the tour got started, he had an awesome time and laughed as we went from land to water in the duck boat.
Birthday Party
The weekend we returned from vacation, he went to a birthday party. He really didn't want to go, I think he was just worn out from the frantic vacation. I made him go, thinking he'd just make an appearance. He ended up staying the whole time and having a great time with the kids who all just accept him for who he is. I never stop feeling grateful (and humbled) by how included and accepted by his peers he is. We are blessed as a family by our community.
Last Hurrah
So, as I type this, I am trying to decide how to wind the summer down. We need to start getting him prepared to start back to school. He really needs the structure and routine, but the adjustment is always a nightmare. This year, we add puberty into the mix. I'm just praying we all adjust and settle into routine.
At the end of the day, I'm pleased with how the summer has gone for Jackson. There have been times I didn't think I could survive another minute of summer (like when he asked 40 times in 30 minutes about going to Michigan Adventures with the youth group) and there have been times I want to seal off and keep forever scared (taking 6 teenagers to see Pooh, having Jackson try the zip line on vacation, knowing he's making memories). We survived another summer and are looking forward to football season!